SIM Maranello sponsors AWA (Automotive Women Association) fundraising dinner

An evening to break down gender barriers

On 28 November 2024, the AWA held a special dinner at the Autopromotec headquarters to raise funds for the organisation. The event, which was dedicated to promoting careers for women’s in the world of automotive and motorsports, offered an ideal occasion to highlight the importance of inclusion and breaking down gender barriers in a constantly evolving sector.

SIM Maranello: a partner for equality

Attending the event as sponsors, SIM Maranellotogether with Zanasi Group and other organisations like Autopromotec – confirmed its commitment to supporting initiatives that promote equality and female empowerment. The company, which has always been attentive to innovation and progress, has chosen to support AWA in its campaign to raise awareness and provide practical support to make the automotive and motorsport world more inclusive and accessible.

Stories, opportunities, and future projects

During the evening, inspirational stories were shared and speakers explored the opportunities AWA offers women aspiring to join and grow in these fields. The evening also included a presentation of future projects intended to create and foster a support network along with a culture of gender equality.

Participants at the event were also given the chance to try out  a Sim Maranello simulator, to put their driving skills to the test in an exciting, immersive experience.